OET Sample writing answer 1
  • 15 Dec, 2022
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OET sample prompt and letter

Given below is a OET writing sample prompt and letter:

Case Notes

Vamuya Obeki was admitted through the Children’s Emergency Department for acute meningoencephalitis as a result of complications following mumps.

Patient History:

Address: 75 Walden Road, Broadchurch

Phone: (+44) 070 4477 2674

Date of Birth: 21 May 2017

Gender: Male

Discharged: 12/06/22

Country of birth: Sudan

Diagnosis: Acute meningoencephalitis


Social History:

Parents: Miri & Abdullah Obeki, refugees, arrived in the UK in 2019.

Employment: Abdullah: Golden Circle pineapple factory, shift worker

Miri: Housewife

Accommodation: Recently moved to rental accommodation.

GP: No family doctor

Sibling: 2 year old brother, Saeed

Languages: Dinka, Arabic

Interpreter needs: Abdullah understands spoken English but has limited written skills. Miri has limited understanding of English. Abdullah attends English classes.

Medical History:

Parents state that both children had some kind of vaccination at birth but records have been lost since then. Parents unaware of vaccines for mumps.

Discharge plan:

Appears to have fully recovered from mumps and acute meningoencephalitis.

Will need advice regarding recommended vaccines for both children.

Will need a neurological check-up.


Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to The Director, Community Child Health Service, 71 Victoria Road, Broadchurch, requesting follow-up of this family.


Sample Answer

The Director

Community Child Services

71 Victoria Road, Broadchurch

12 June 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,

RE: Vamuya Obeki, 5 years old

I am writing to refer young mister Obeki and his parents to your office. They need advice regarding vaccines along with a neurological check-up for Vamuya.

Vamuya was admitted to our institution on the 5th of this month due to mumps, followed by a complication of meningoencephalitis. He has since recovered, but the physician discovered problems with their vaccination as no history could be established.

The family emigrated from Sudan and arrived in the UK last year. The parents are Miri and Abdullah, and Vamuya has a younger 2-year-old brother named Saeed. Their vaccination records have been lost, and it is difficult to obtain further information due to language barriers as they can only speak Dinka and Arabic and because they do not have a family physician.

Moving forward, Vamuya needs follow-up neurological exams, and the children will need to get started on a proper vaccination program. The parents can be reached at (+44) 070 4477 2674 and live at 75 Walden Road, Broadchurch.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at 3834 484 567 local 143 for any queries or clarifications.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Yours sincerely,

Corazon De Joya

Charge Nurse

Children’s Emergency Department

Source: https://ieltsmaterial.com/oet-writing-samples-for-nurses-how-to-practice-oet-writing/