How to improve your vocabulary for IELTS?
  • 19 Dec, 2022
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What usually IELTS test takers do to show the IELTS examiner that they have good vocab range? 

  • Memorize a set of vocabulary from Google.

  • Use them wherever they feel like. 


This is the wrong approach! 






According to the IELTS band descriptors, it is explicit that it is not about using a lot of

high level fancy words; it is all about using them Flexibility and Precision. 


What is Flexibility and precision?

  1. Flexibility: it is nothing but one's ability to change word form to another. For example, take the word 'Accuracy'; it is the noun form. The Adjective of it is 'Accurate' and the adverb is accurately. So, if we put them in sentence, it will become: " In order to improve accuracy in word choice, the words that we use must be accurate and if the words are not accurately used, you cannot improve your score."

  2. Precision: it is one's ability to use the words relevant to the topic. For example, imagine the topic that we got is Photography; if this is the topic, we use words such as Shallow Depth field, mega pixel, aperture and so on.  An example sentence could be " the advantage of having a DSLR camera is that we can click pictures with better shallow depth of field and even though the mega pixels are less on such cameras, the overall image quality will be really high. Another benefit is that we can reduce the aperture to the maximum of sharper images.


Find out the examples of precision and accuracy from the sample essay below. 



It Is Better to Buy Just a Few Expensive Clothes, Rather Than Lots of Cheaper Clothes.
Do You Agree or Disagree?


Sample Essay:


It is better to purchase a few pricey clothes than a ton of inexpensive ones. I completely agree with this point of view because, otherwise, we will experience decision fatigue and harm the planet.


Owning just a few high-end garments helps to reduce decision fatigue. According to studies, our capacity to consistently make well-thought-out decisions is finite. If we spend a lot of our mental energy deciding on trivial things like what clothes to buy and what to wear, we will feel mentally exhausted by the time we need to make important decisions. The result will be that we make bad decisions about them. This is why Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg always wears the same $400 grey T-shirts. This way, he can make critical business decisions with a clear head.


Purchasing tons of cheap clothes also damages the environment. These low quality clothes wear out fast and go out of style fast. As a result, many people wear them only a few times before throwing them away. Sadly, only a small proportion of discarded clothes are recycled or donated. Most go directly to landfill or are incinerated, polluting the land and air. Expensive clothing, on the other hand, is usually made of long-lasting materials and has timeless designs, so people tend to keep it for a long time. This means less waste on Earth.


In conclusion, purchasing a lot of cheap outfits not only leads to decision fatigue but also harms the environment. Therefore, it is better to own only a few costly pieces of clothing. (256 Words)
